English Program
Learn English in person or online from a live instructor using Zoom! Choose from intensive English classes during the day, semi-intensive classes in the evening and on Saturdays, or customized private lessons with your own private English tutor. We are authorized to issue the I-20 form for foreign F-1 visa students who wish to come to the United States to study English.Foreign Languages
Group classes, semi-private or private tutorials and customized on-site intruction in almost every language to choose from. Affordable and small 10-week group classes in Arabic, Chinese Mandarin, Farsi, French, German, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Urdu four times per year.
TOEFL Preparation
Join one of our three TOEFL Preparation classes and get ready for taking the TOEFL! Choose from intensive day, semi-intensive evening to semi-intensive Saturday classes. Gain the necessary practice and specialized test-taking skills to score high on your TOEFL exam to get into the college or university of your choice!
TESOL/TEFL Certificate Program
With a practical focus, this 8-week teacher training class in the evening will prepare and equip you to teach English as a Second Language in the United States and abroad. The 120-hour course centers on practice in teaching the four basic language skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening. Includes observations.